Pause or Cancel Your Designer Subscription with PixelPlan

Avinash Shaji
August 7, 2024

Subscription services can be tough to handle, especially for design needs. PixelPlan, one of the best design subscription services, makes it easier. They offer a design subscription approach, enabling businesses to work with skilled designers regularly. You can pause your subscription if you need a break. If you want to cancel, it's important to know your choices.

Being a reliable graphic design subscription service, PixelPlan helps organizations make unlimited design requests for a fixed monthly fee. This service is cost-effective and helps with predictable budgeting. Companies get access to a dedicated team of experienced designers. Smaller projects are often completed in 1 to 3 working days, ensuring quick responses to market needs. Using PixelPlan's design services, firms can keep consistent branding and high-quality designs. They also manage resources better for improved productivity.

Importance of Understanding Subscription Management

It is important to understand how to manage subscriptions since it helps businesses to keep customers and boost recurring income. This process includes smooth handling of subscriptions, such as billing and tracking what customers like. It also involves analyzing data to guide business plans. Good subscription management makes revenue more predictable. It helps businesses offer personalized experiences and boosts efficiency.

Moreover, it helps companies spot customer behavior patterns, manage churn, and respond quickly to customer needs. This encourages long-term relationships. As more industries switch to subscription models, knowing the details of subscription management is crucial for growth in a competitive market.

Understanding Your Graphic Design Subscription Options

Active State in a Design Subscription Service

When customers are in the active state of a design subscription, they are using the services provided. They can access design assets and services without any breaks. Active subscriptions allow clients to meet their design needs quickly. This includes creating marketing materials or digital content. Staying in an active state helps businesses keep their momentum and maintain strong branding. The benefits of an active subscription include:

  • Get unlimited access to design services.
  • Work with designers in real time.
  • Use royalty-free stock photos.
  • Receive deliverables in different formats.
  • Submit as many design requests as you want.

Paused State in Design Subscription Service

Subscribers can pause their design subscription instead of canceling it. This helps if they face money issues or are temporarily unavailable. When they pause, the subscription stays active until the current billing cycle ends. This way, they don't lose the value of their payment. It also reduces churn rates, letting users keep their subscriptions while cutting costs. A few of the benefits of this state cover:

  • Keep your account active when things are slow.
  • Stop billing when you pause.
  • You can still see your finished tasks.
  • You can contact the design agency on Slack.
  • Keep your price the same if prices go up while paused.

Canceled State in Graphic or UX Design Subscription Service

When subscribers cancel, it means they no longer want the design service. This can happen due to value, price, or relevance issues. Knowing why they cancel helps service providers get feedback and improve. Cancellations also offer a chance to re-engage customers with new options, building future relationships.

  • Service ends on the next billing date. 
  • Project data gets deleted 6 months after cancellation. 
  • Customers can stop paying for unused services.

Reasons to Pause or Cancel Your Subscription

Financial Considerations – Financial strain often pushes people to pause or cancel their UX design subscription services. As living costs rise, many feel overwhelmed. They seek ways to cut monthly expenses. A recent study showed that 38% would cancel a graphic design subscription service if prices went up. Out of these, 65% cited cost as the main reason. Multiple subscriptions can quickly add up. These small charges can strain a budget and lead to financial trouble. Regularly checking subscription expenses can help, allowing individuals to regain control and align spending with their financial goals.

Changes in Design Needs – Changes in design often make users pause or cancel subscriptions. Users want simple, user-friendly experiences. This includes easy ways to cancel. Companies that customize the user experience and offer options to pause subscriptions can maximize loyalty. When a service's design doesn't meet users' needs, they look for better options. This might lead them to cancel. Allowing users to pause instead of canceling can help keep them as subscribers.

Evaluating Alternative Services – Analyzing other services can affect a subscriber's choice to pause or cancel. Today, many subscription-based services are available. People can find options that are more appealing or cheaper than their current ones. When they find better deals or services that fit their needs better, they often cancel existing subscriptions. User-friendly platforms and flexible models also encourage switching. So, it's crucial for both consumers and service providers to regularly check out other services to keep customers.

How to Pause PixelPlan’s Subscription?

To pause your design subscription, log into your PixelPlan account. Find the billing or subscription management section. Choose the option to pause your subscription. The pause usually starts at the end of your current billing cycle. You won't be charged for future cycles while it's paused.

When pausing your subscription, keep a few key points in mind:

  • Pausing affects future billing cycles only. It does not cover the current period you have already paid for. You might have a limited time to pause, maybe up to 3 months in advance. While paused, you can access your submitted designs or files. However, you cannot submit new requests until you resume.
  • If prices go up during the pause, you can resume at your original rate. There might be a small fee, like $10 per month, to pause your subscription. You can usually resume anytime and start submitting new design requests.
  • Pausing lets you take a break from the service when you do not need it, without losing access to your existing work. Make sure to understand the specific pause policies and timing of our services.

How to Cancel Your PixelPlan’s Subscription?

To cancel a PixelPlan subscription, log into your account. Go to the subscription management section and choose the option to cancel your plan. PixelPlan lets you pause or cancel your design subscription anytime. This gives you flexibility to meet your needs.

When users cancel, they usually keep their subscription benefits until the billing cycle ends. However, they should know that they might lose access to design services and ongoing projects. Also, depending on their subscription terms, they might not get a refund for fees already paid. Users should review the cancellation policies carefully to understand everything and ensure a smooth transition out of the service.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Design subscription services might face some common problems at times. These include communication, support assistance, etc. Users often worry about the consistency of design quality over time. Many say the initial designs are much better than those they receive later. This can lead to dissatisfaction. Users also struggle to communicate their needs, resulting in misunderstandings and revisions that don't meet their expectations.

As you use our model, if you encounter any troubleshooting issues, use PixelPlan's customer support. Reach out via live chat, email, or phone. Get help for specific concerns. Good customer support can fix design or communication problems. This helps users get the most from their subscriptions. Also, use tutorials and documentation which are the best resources to help users explain their design needs better. This can prevent problems from happening again.


Think about your design needs now and in the future when deciding to pause or cancel your PixelPlan subscription. PixelPlan lets you pause your subscription for up to three months. You won't lose access to completed tasks during this time. This is good for businesses facing temporary slowdowns or unsure about their long-term needs. 

If you know you no longer need design services, cancel your subscription. This stops access to ongoing projects and support. All data will be removed after six months. So, assess your current and future design needs to make a decision that fits your business plan and budget. For further details regarding the process, feel free to talk to our experts.

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